Well, crazy things are happening in the world, thats for sure! I am continually surprised by many, many things every day. You would think I'd stop being "surprised" after a while...but I suppose its better than being bored to tears every day. Boredom is certainly one thing my life is not lacking.
So, needless to say, life here in DC continues to be interesting, and has been a good test of my faith in humanity (I say this all with a giant smile on my face, of course). Life at the Bosley-Smith house is great, as usual. Never a dull moment there. I really look forward to coming back to the house every day after a day at the office, being greeted by Sable and Oakley sliding toward me as I open the door, and just spending time at dinner with everyone. I'm really thankful that they offered to house me during this time, and be so hospitable about it!
I was able to travel back to Jersey/Philly to see family and spend my brother's birthday with them all, which was great. BUT...I must say, having to say good-bye to people multiple times really is not fun, it is quite stressful, actually. After about the 5th time, the good-byes started be be void of much emotion and went something like this "Alright, well, LOVE YA, see you in a year!" ...followed by me exiting the scene as soon as possible. I mean...I really DO love you all, but I've been saying bye since December, so...SEE YA!
...moving on
April 4 is reeeeally coming up quickly! It feels pretty crazy that this is actually happening. If this is some sick April Fools joke by Beyond Borders, well then you have got it coming my friends...I mean, I know you're all funny people, but that may be a bit much........I kid, I kid. I'll be on my merry way in less than two weeks.
I feel very ready to go--physically, mentally, spiritually. In talking & reflecting with a few wonderful and amazingly wise people the past few days I have realized that I don't need to have all of my "stuff" figured out before, or even in order to go to Haiti. In fact, what better and more conducive place to simply BE, learn, and commune with others than Haiti?? Thats what we're supposed to do as humans, right?! Well, maybe there's a bit more to that, but I trust that you get the point.
I guess I should actually update you on something rather than blab about my feeeeeelings...SO, we have officially found out where exactly we'll be living! I will be in a community called La Coleen (the hill) and Courtney will be in a community about an hour and a half walk away called Nan Mapou (a type of sacred tree in Haiti). I will be living with three women--three different generations in a two-room temporary shelter, and I'll be sharing one of those rooms with the youngest woman who is right around my age. Both communities have very strong and involved women's groups, which really excites me. I'm really looking forward to connecting with them and learning more about what they do. La Coleen was hit very hard in the earthquake, and most of the buildings and houses there were destroyed. I'm sure what the community lacks in physical structures they make up in beauty, personality, life, and laughter. I am truly looking forward to transitioning into my new home. Both Courtney and I will have our own personal language helper and person to sort of "escort" us places (poor word choice? I don't care...its funny).
I bet none of you believe any of this seeing as how everything else I've written has changed...well, just keeping you all on your toes. :)
Elections on Sunday seemed to have gone fairly smoothly, and have been said to have been much better and more efficient this time around. Please keep praying for stability and for wisdom, honesty, and transparency for the new President, whoever that may be.
Thats really all I've got for now...I pray that you are all well and that you are taking each day to love, laugh, breath, and find your own peace.
Until next time,
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Aaaand, we're off!
GOOD NEWS. Courtney and I have plane tickets! After a long, emotional conference call with Coleen, Carla, Courtney, Sarah Cool, and I, tickets were purchased and we'll head to Haiti on April 4th at 6 in the morning. It is pretty amazing how much a solid date has changed my outlook on everything. All we have to get through now are the elections on March 20th, and we'll be on our way.
I suppose I'll update you on a few other things as well...
My creole is coming along! I'm feeling much more comfortable with it, and able to recognize sounds, words, meanings, etc.
Last weekend Courtney, Pascalie, David, Brian, and I traveled to beautiful Norristown for the BB board meeting. We all ate a great Haitian dinner the night before at Jonathan's house, and then I was able (along with Courtney and Pascalie) to spend the night in my old apartment with my two wonderful roommates and other friends. All day Saturday was the board meeting, which went well. It was exciting to be there for the approval of Beyond Border's new strategic plan, vision, mission, etc. Not only are great things happening as we speak, but they are going to continue to happen...pretty exciting. While it was great to see all my friends in N-town, it was pretty hard to say goodbye...again, but I'm certainly doing much better this week.
Yesterday on our conference call Carla advised us both to really cherish the time we have left here. A month seems like a long time right now, but I'm sure it will fly by and before I know it Courtney and I will be boarding the plane early in the morning. It's not easy to live totally in the moment, and be conscious solely of NOW, but I'm going to really try and soak up the time I have left in the states...it'll be a while before I'm back!
Here's a note I posted on Facebook that I'd really appreciate you all taking a look at:

I suppose I'll update you on a few other things as well...
My creole is coming along! I'm feeling much more comfortable with it, and able to recognize sounds, words, meanings, etc.
Last weekend Courtney, Pascalie, David, Brian, and I traveled to beautiful Norristown for the BB board meeting. We all ate a great Haitian dinner the night before at Jonathan's house, and then I was able (along with Courtney and Pascalie) to spend the night in my old apartment with my two wonderful roommates and other friends. All day Saturday was the board meeting, which went well. It was exciting to be there for the approval of Beyond Border's new strategic plan, vision, mission, etc. Not only are great things happening as we speak, but they are going to continue to happen...pretty exciting. While it was great to see all my friends in N-town, it was pretty hard to say goodbye...again, but I'm certainly doing much better this week.
Yesterday on our conference call Carla advised us both to really cherish the time we have left here. A month seems like a long time right now, but I'm sure it will fly by and before I know it Courtney and I will be boarding the plane early in the morning. It's not easy to live totally in the moment, and be conscious solely of NOW, but I'm going to really try and soak up the time I have left in the states...it'll be a while before I'm back!
Here's a note I posted on Facebook that I'd really appreciate you all taking a look at:
Women and girls living in Haiti's makeshift tent camps are facing more violence and abuse since January 2010's earthquake. It is estimated that over 72 percent of Haitian girls have been raped, and the numbers continue to grow with each passing day. These women need advocacy, liberation, protection, dignity, and their voices to be HEARD. The women who are speaking out about what is happening are either ignored, or blamed for the inhumane actions done to them.
The Haitian police are doing nothing for these women who have nothing standing between them and their attackers but a tent. This is not something that we can turn away from. This is happening RIGHT NOW. As human beings we are bound to and with one another; I have been experiencing a reoccuring theme lately that none of us are free until we all are free.
Tuesday, March 8 is International Women's Day. Tuesday, the 8th is also prime-time for Haiti's Carnival season, where many women are raped and abused. I am asking that we all stand together in solidarity for the women and girls of Haiti in whatever way we can. I will be fasting, but please pray, meditate, write, promote awareness of the situation...do whatever you can do to stand with these beautiful women of Haiti. I ask you to please send this message out to anyone and everyone! This is something we cannot ignore.
Battered and torn
still I can see the light
Tattered and worn
but I must kneel to fight
Friend of mine
what can't you spare
I know some times
it gets cold in there
When my legs no longer carry
and the warm wind chills my bones
I reach for Mother Mary
and I shall not walk alone
Hope is alive
while we're apart
only tears
speak from my heart
break the chains
that hold us down
and we shall be
forever bound
When I'm tired and weary
and a long way from home
I reach for Mother Mary
and I shall not walk alone
Beauty that
we left behind
how shall we
tomorrow find
Set aside
our weight in sin
so that we
can live again
-I Shall Not Walk Alone (Ben Harper)
Until next time,
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