Thursday, November 10, 2011

A special treat!

Hi everyone...its been a little while since I've updated so I knew I had to do something special to keep my audience....SO, what is more special than a video of me washing my clothes?! I know, I don't have to thank me.

Lots has gone on lately, so much that to write about it all for you would take days, so...I'm not going to do that. I've unfortunately been attacked by various gross sicknesses lately, which has not been fun. First came malaria back in July, then came some sort of gross rash in August that lasted until early this month, then came worms, and now...well a mysterious "infection in my blood". Rest assured I have been to the doctors and have antibiotics, tylenol with codeine for my headaches, echinacea, and vitamin c....SO really, I will never get sick again. Great. Moving on...

Less than two weeks ago Courtney and I had our second retreat with Carla. We decided to go low budget this time so we stayed in Gwo Jan (where Carla lives). It turned out to be a wonderful and enriching retreat...we both learned a lot...about a lot. We were able to visit two directors of two different organizations--one was a school/professional training center for children who are or were in the restavek system. The center was set up with training in plumbing, cooking, computers, art, and cosmetology. The other organization works with peasant and grassroots groups to reinforce their capacity to become more effective in providing for their families and communities. Both were really great to see and even more exciting to see that they are completely Haitian-led and run.

Courtney and I sitting with Dja's dad

Of course we had to take a little time to party, so Saturday night Courtney, Carla, and I were escorted by the ever-strong MJRAV men (Yaya, Routson, Manno, and Jean David), Makson, Mona, and Ron to see Boukman Eksperyans play in Petionville. It was a great night of dancing, singing, being goofy, and just enjoying each other's presence.  Everyone should look up Boukman Eksperyans because their music is great, they have great energy and  are amazingly talented. 

We also were able to visit Djaloki's father, an incredibly influential man in Haiti's history. It was quite an honor to sit with him and hear him share a few of his stories. A project I hope to start soon is to work with him, organizing his photos and documents, and eventually recording his story. It is certainly one that deserves to be told.
Boukman Eksperyans

After all of our adventures we returned to Leogane. However, I find myself back here again nursing the mysterious infection. I'm on the mend, though.

Until next time!

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